Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Okay, so a proud mommy gets to post a few of her own right?? This is my baby Beck. I took the brown set with the baseball gear when he was one week old and the zebra shots when he was two weeks old. He is one chuga luga little fella! I was really happy with how they all turned out. I took a million and haven't had time to edit very many (this 3 kids thing is a big adjustment) I owe the Ferro family a big thank you for letting me borrow this mitt. I took their son's senior pictures in the fall and had this vision in my head of using his mitt for baby pictures if I had a boy. I knew he would be to big too fit on the mitt, but his head snuggled in perfectly. Mmmm don't you just want to kiss those chugger cheeks?


Soccer Mom said...

Simply adorable!!!

The Dille Family said...

You are amazing! You have a great talent and I will be coming to you for sure next time!! He's adorable and yes I do want to kiss his cheeks!

Spilletts said...

soo cute!! I've been waiting to see those cute pics! He looks so stinking adorable and I agree with you, he looks so very very kissable!

Monica Lifferth said...

He's beautiful Ad. I can't wait to kiss those cheeks. :)

Ferro Fam said...

Great pictures. What an adorable little boy. We were more than happy to let you use this mitt.

Tiffany said...

I love these pictures! They are adorable!!